Friday 26 October 2012

Canon 60D test run

After discovering that my work horse of a camera the 20D was beginning to fail and unable to keep up with the demands I now professional require from it. I knew it was time for a new camera. To date I have only ever brought myself one camera that still hasn't been used for £20 on a whim. Buy a new camera to replace the legend of me old one was not something to be taken lightly. It firstly had to produce images that are superior in quality over the 20D and the over all average now being achieve by the mass population. Secondly it had to maintain the same easy of usability as my 20D. Thirdly I wanted a camera that I could use the same lenses that I already owned. Fourthly I wanted a camera that could also double up as a HD ready. And finally affordability. Never before have I ever place so many factors into thinking about what camera I wanted. But this was going to be a professional investment to my career that I did not want to later discover to become a set back.

After much research I decided to settle my heart on a Canon 60D. Luckily my photographer friend Alex Wolstencroft already owned one and was kind enough to lend it to me for my latest video shoot. To my delight the camera didn't disappoint. In fact it reaffirmed my need for this camera. While using it I was felt that I have slogged my way around pervious shoots with my 20D. The 60D was an absolute pleasure to work with and was perfect the tool I need for my level of photography. Although most of the work from the shoot was video, which the camera preformed brilliantly too. When I did see the opportunity to shot one or two pics I was in no question of having any problem using it. I felt that I have never had so much width and extra parameters to work with. Thank goodness for this camera. Bellow is a vidoe that tell you more about what the camera can do and there are also some test images I took with the new camera. As you can see the is just no technical problems with the images what so ever. Once I get the new camera I can't want to push its boundaries and take it with me on my next leg of my photographic journey. 

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