Sunday 29 July 2012


As part of my online presence revamp I now have a youtube channel. This will be the home of all video project relating to the work that I produce. The channel is another way to follow the the domgoodphoto brand and will feature shoot diaries, interviews, reviews and more. I hope that this will give you guys a more behind the scenes look into the work of a photographer.

Reverse sofa, like photo mash ups is just an initial video to get the ball rolling with my new online presence. However the video itself is fairly entertaining and I have not seen another reverse sofa video like it. I hope you enjoy the link and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the way you start out with a pile of rubbish and turn it into a sofa, it also makes you think of what actually makes you look at the different stages of a sofa from frame to filling to covering and how it all connects together, the fact that you can watch it more than once does make it as you say "fairly entertaining"
