Tuesday 24 July 2012

Photo mash ups

A mash up in musical term that is well... like it says, a mash up of music. One short burst of music followed by another and all mixed together. However for my 1st blog project I think I have crudely came across something similar. I originally wanted to create images of some of Preston most iconic features in the same style as the image to the right. Although the image is more graphic design than photography. I love this classic abstract of cityscapes. Decorative and dynamic, these types of images remind me of jazz montages of New York that pop up on t.v every now and again. What inspired me to take on this shoot was a friend of mine who asked for decorative images of Preston for his home. Unfortunately he had to move out and as a result the project never happened.  You would think recreating similar images would be simple enough way to make an elegant start to my blog, but no it appears that I favor a different approach. I created Photo mash ups instead. Although a failure in regrads to recreating what I initially set out to do. I find that I kind of like them what I have created. I wouldn't by any means say that they are my greatest work, but I would go as far as to say they are a work in progress.  The work needs to be continued if I wanted to turn this into something much greater. The biggest flaw in all of this...... WHERE IS THE DEPTH! I have let the photography Gods down. If feel like if i was a samurai I would have a finger chopped off.  Well o.t.t but still its a valid point. If I am to pursue photography how I should be, how I have trained trained to do so. I must create from the depth of creation. 

1 comment:

  1. these are so cool , I like the first one the best, the second one reminds me of London, and for gods sake give yourself a break, how would you add depth to there photo's, and is it needed?
    As for the " samurai " comment it goes a bit over my head ..... just learn from it, take a breath and don't give you self such a hard time. life gives us lessons just learn from them and don't make them again if you don't then you can " cut you finger off " !
