Tuesday 24 July 2012

1st blog Shoot

 On sunday I decided to take on my 1st shoot for the new blog. I was accompanied by fellow photographer Alex Wolstencroft to shoot images of Preston. I wanted to capture iconic images of Preston but present them like the image to the left. Once we had set out to our 1st location we came across a mass of people who came to see the dock guild celebrations. Although a pleasant surprise it was an obstruction to my original plans to shoot architectural images. However the only thing to do in such a situation was to take advantage of the opportunity and start shooting. Heres some of the best images of the day.  


  1. at last you fianaly have your photo's on your blog...

  2. I just love your photo mash up, it's good that you take a different "out of the box" view, not everyone will like or get it, but if it gets people talking so much the better.
