Sunday 5 August 2012

Getting deeper

Rather than post nothing and spoil the momentum of my blog just because I have no new photos this week. I have a news of my latest concept that I am underway with. For a few months now I have been fascinated by globalisation and capitalism. A truly fascinating subject that we are all part of. There is a wealth of information out there about it that can also send you into assorts of interesting tangents. Im thinking that the subject might just be my next logical step for my conceptual photography. I still would like to keep the images rolling weekly on my blog like I intended. But I'm sure that you guys would prefer to see more quality of work rather than just shots for the sake of it. More to the point thats what I would like to see and thats how I'm starting to gauge my photography for now. If I like it then you should too. Not to say that it is something that I'm forcing on you. Its more of a gauge to what is crap and what ant.

I came across the image bellow while I have been researching on the whole globalisation subject and really admired it. It has incapsulated the subject well and is easy enough to comprehend. Unfortunately I could not find out anything about its creator other than its by Rifdi Bin Rosli from Victoria school. I love how this image is as fun as it is serious and it would have been great to have created it myself for this latest project.

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