Monday 20 August 2012

right to censor

I think that I haven't managed to define and encapsulate what I want my project to portray. It is still yet in development and is still yet becoming. The project is broad as I want to bring together globalistion, consumerism and new world order. Too broad? Perhaps for one series of images or a single image but for a project fascinating.

Bellow are my latest results from this project in which I have removed the power of the adverts and media. The images begin to show the large volume to which the messages of adverting and media invade are surroundings. I think that they are as a part of our environment as nature and concrete. In fact its over kill. Its not just one sign its everywhere. Although it would be impossible to take it all in, I think that are submergence to it has lead to it becoming the norm. The question arises that if has become the norm dose this matter? Although on the face these messages are just signs the power of them is eminence. They influence decision and choice for everyone. I know this to be true as I am also subject to the exposure as everyone else. I have experienced its power first hand. For example I have gone into a supermarket to get only one item and end up purchasing a few that I did not intend to leave the store with. This is only the tip of the the ice berg when it come to the power of advertising and media. Though the same process members of government become elected though the power of campaigns and becoming influential decision makers on how a society should live.

1 comment:

  1. you just made me think of just how much advertising is out there that is in you face but as it is all around, that you just don't see it
