Sunday 10 February 2013

Yashicmat prints back from printers

My yashicamat prints have arrived back from the printers. Fabulous results? Nope. But hey at least the camera works. The shoot also doubled as a bit of a test shoot with the camera. Not to say I haven't used 120 before. The best way to test out the camera was to be on a shoot. With this camera it appears that I may have to think differently when using it. Apparently im a digital natural, but this has not been the case when I use this classic camera. Nothing to beat my self up about though. So what went wrong? Firstly it appears that the yashicamat underexposes by about 1.5 stops when I have used my 60d exposure meter. Meaning it has resulted in the images being too dark. Secondly the square format is not as forgiving compositionally. Bearing that in mind I can not wait to raise to this challenge again regardless of the cost. All together the one roll to buy, get developed and printed, plus postage cost is about £19. Thats £19 for just 12 shots! No wonder I also shot with my 60d as insurance, just incase of the worse. I used Fujifilm Digital Imaging Service to get my film developed and printed. They even gave me a digital copy of the images on cd. Looking at the prints I felt that perhaps their printers favored darker finishes when compared to the scanned reults. Or maybe scanner software (mine included) corrects images to achieve the best possible results. At least now I know what I have to do to achieve what I want. Again I feel a shoot coming on! Bellow are the actual scans from the pints that I took using the yashicamat. 

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