Sunday 10 February 2013

Monika's family pics

Last week I was asked if I could do a shoot for my friend Monika. She wanted to send an acrylic print to her mother from her new family, while her sister and brother-in-law were still about from their visit to the new baby. The shoot was very much off the cuff as it was done in short notice. I wanted the shoot to be very casual as well because it was dealing with baby photography. Again studio cost would had proved too costly and almost unnecessary. As Monika wanted the windmill at Lytham to also feature in one of the pics. The shoot was done away from the comfort and warmth of her home. If only I had remember that its still the worse time of year to be shooting outside. It was freezing and blustery outside right on the coastline. Just made concentrating on the job in hand harder. Before the shoot it came to my mind that Monika's sister and brother-in-law did not speck english. It made it almost impossible to help them relax into the shoot. However by the end of the shoot I began to really enjoy the time I was spending with everyone, as I knew I could relax as the job in hand had been done. Bellow are my favs from the shoot. 

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