Tuesday 7 May 2013

Wedding distraction

Nothing like a wedding to distract you from your work. I got married! I have spent the last few months putting all my energy into getting married. I like to thank my good photo buddy Alex for capturing the wedding pictures on my big day that I will be posting a.s.a.p. I haven't decided to pack in the photography just yet and now I am back on the grind. So my main focus over the next few weeks is to have a really strong online presence that sings and dances at every end (if that makes sense). I want people to be able to go online and explore the world of domgoodphoto. I wouldn't say that its something hard to do, but I'm gonna need to put the work in. I'm almost building it from scratch. I'm quite happy that when you type my name into google my work comes up, but now I wish to work on campaigns to achieve my photographic ambition. Who knows, I could have all this online work done by the end of the week.

The wedding distraction did not go in vain as I discovered a few new things. Firstly the power of tumbler. I think nothing has brought me more up to date than tumbler. It single handedly opened up a world of other prolific photographers working on current trends which I find highly appealing. As you may recall 'After The Smoke' appealed to me when I worked with 'Sjambok' on my latest music video project. I loved After The Smoke's website designed by 'Rob Coin'. I wanted to create something similar for my own music projects. On closer inspection I noticed that he had used tumbler to create the site. Although I have not quite figured out how I will best use tumbler. I have began to explore it with a small sample of pictures. You can see how it unfold at http://domgoodphoto.tumblr.com/

Twitter. I have to finally embrace it. I have solely used facebook as my means to stay connected. However I have come to find that almost everyone who is half decent at something, is available on twitter. I will post my twitter link on the blog shortly when I have sorted out my twitter game later this week. domgoodphoto will have its own facebook page which will also launch this week.

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