Saturday 24 November 2012


Good job I got a blog other wise I would feel like I wasn't getting much done. Blogs are great and I would recommend anyone having one for whatever thir interest might be. This entry feels more of a diary, but I will try to keep it as informative and useful as possible.

Currently I am waiting the grandaddy of all cameras to ever grace my own possession. The 60D! So close now, so very close. The question is how to buy? After my last experience with buying online saw me lose £500 to fraudsters, I do not want to repeat the same mistake twice. I have been saying that I will just have to buy direct from a shop to ensure maximum purchase safety. However this comes with a maximum price tag too, as high street shops need to make a profit. I posed my dilemma about buying my new camera to a fellow photographer who must have had over 20 years experience in the photography industry. You could say a photography guru to myself at the moment. He recommend a company called Hdew. The company has actual shops in the U.K that you can visit, which he said he has done a few times. He has also brought from them many times before without a snag. So with that in mind, I feel safer to purchase of this company online. Of course using a credit card just incase things go wrong.

Once I do have the new camera with HD video capability, it will allow me to work on film projects as well as photographic. At first this felt like cheating on photography. Why start creating video when you are a photographer? Have I just become less creative? Well no. I'm even more creative as I'm not just bound to photography. What I think is most important about this purchase is that I'm using my expertise to make an informative decision about investing into my business. I'm literately demanding more from my equipment, not just excepting what ever comes my way. I will apply this notion to all areas of my business, especially when it comes to the quality of my product. Suddenly the word 'Gallery' springs to mind. Fantastic. One of my biggest ambitions for a long time was to become an artist. But lets say I'm a good while off that. As such I did want to share a video I saw recently of Tracey Emin's Studio set-up, to illustrate just how far off I'm from becoming a serious artist. But I'm sure that her and myself would agree that my focus at this stage should be about myself and my journey in achieving my work. Instead I will share a few words from the artist herself that I felt where more valuable to me trying to achieve artistic status.

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