Tuesday 8 January 2013


With a new year comes new ambition. My latest is the most ambitious yet. While talking over what myself and a friend wanted to achieve in life. I brought up a life time ambition of leaving my mark on the world. Creating something to be remembered by. Something that others can look back on, something that could be studied from a hardback book for years to come. I want to be one of those greats who create something memorable. Photography is going to be my key to achieving this. I wished to create an image that can be seen from outer-space! Wow, exciting or what! Why the hell not think big? If you don't then you never achieve big.

So the question is what type of image do I produce to be seen from outer-space? I came up with a message of world peace as this would be most worth while doing. I want to create a large image of a hand peace sign gesture as I felt it also was a reflection of my own personality, as its something in which I do from time to time. Thinking about the whole idea made me so happy, even chuckling to myself about it. I absolutely would love to create this image and I will.

Although I would not like to give too much away just yet on how I am going to achieve this. I did have a look at existing images that can be viewed from space. There was a number of results that came up which can be seen from the link below.

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