Tuesday 18 December 2012

School reunion

It had been talked about on facebook for sometime and now was actually time to do it. My own 10 year school anniversary took place on saturday. I will be honest and say that I was not intending to go as I have left school and moved one. But my mate Adrian suggested that this would be a great way to network with people who are at the age where they would be getting married and starting up families. So how could I really turn an opportunity like that down. I meet up with some of my friend s who were also going before hand and there was a definite air of anticipation about us. I was thinking how was i going to tackle meeting people I haven't seen for years and trying to rekindle the same if not better friendships that once had been. I thought that so long as I had my camera it would be a great excuse to meet everyone and capture their portraits. Its what I like to do when meeting new people, just get stuck in and start socialising.

I did contemplate bussiness cards for the event but I thought that it would be the wrong way to approach this type of shoot. I would just upload them onto my facebook page and that way people would have direct contact to me when they need me. I felt that the event was making people more aware that I was a photographer rather than flogging off my services stright way. When I did get to the reunion it was immediately apparent  that everyone was friendly and happy to see who did attend the night. I had a great time chatting to everyone and I was glad that I decided to go. Among getting shots of everyone who was at the reunion I even managed to get a big group shot, which after popular demand was the pinnacle of the night photographically. I thought that had I not had been there doing my thing, the big group shot would not had taken place and the opportunity missed.

The new camera worked a treat and reinforced my diction to purchase it. I completely forgot that it even did video as well until I got back. I can see that this is going to be an fantastic partnership with me and the camera. Bring on the shoots!

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