Friday 15 November 2013

Reminder of the Buzz.

Thought I get a post in. I just meet up with Larissa who has just started her new photography course to try and offer some help. I found that just to talk about what needs to be done helped us both. I loved hearing about what was already going on with her course and the ideas that she had come up with. It brought me right back to when I was at uni. Having that buzz about having a million things to do is something I really miss and I feel that I can do with right now. I thought that I need to post this, I need to crack on. There is work to be done and the days are flying away. Back in the zone. Love it.

What also was apparent was how set on my ideas I was. I described my geo glif project and the best way I was going to make it happen. Then Larissa made a suggestion on what I could try and I was like "but i done this or Ive already done that".  On reflection finding it difficult take in her useful ideas was just like the uni critiques. Back then I had to learn how to open up and take onboard what people was saying. It put a smile on my face and I appreciated the feed back.

The meet just makes me think I can't ever stop and do something else, I must remain focused. But then I get reminded that there must be a balance. Getting too wrapped up in projects can make me lose touch with the real world. Creativty is always going draw me in as something that you can get lost in but its the control which determines the master.

Cant stop must move on.